Saturday, October 16, 2010

We have Lost our Blog Virginity to this Post

Hello people of the Internet, let us introduce ourselves.

      This blog will cover various awkward moments in everyday lesbian lives... most likely just pertaining to the three four of us, but we are sure that somewhere along the way one of you will be able to relate to some of our shenanigans and happenings in our lives.  In case you have not yet noticed, we are lesbians.  And awkward.  Very awkward.  As awkward as being young adults can be, particularly gay young adults.  This blog will discuss the various awkward events that occur in relationships (including the always exciting topic of SEX), in issues of gender identity, coming out to your family, your friends, and anyone else who particularly matters to you, and sometimes just various updates about awkward moments in our day to day lives.

Behold the creators of this blog!


I'm sooooo dreamy.


I dork over Zelda and attempt to hit on people. 
Signature move: running away like the pansy I am. 
I also love rum.


I'm not blonde anymore.  But this picture is hot shit, so I'm posting it.

I, too, dork over Zelda (Ocarina of Time beats ALL), but I rarely ever hit on people because it is too awkward for the general populace to handle.  I also love rum.  In fact, Shelly and I are drinking it right now as we write this.  This is why we are friends.


 Results not typical.


I only play Zelda until it gets to a scary part and then I hand the controls over to my sister. I don't hit on people at all because that would require effort and possibly movement, which isn't my style. I like about an eyedropper's worth of rum mixed with a 2 liter bottle of coke. 


I swear to dog I'm not actually a hipster.

Link (from Zelda for all of those gamerly-challenged) and Dr. Frank-N-Furter are the only men allowed on the wall above my bed. Hitting on people is scary and I don’t really know how to do that… unless I’ve had some rum. But by then I may be passed out on the floor behind a couch, in a closet, or at the bottom of a short flight of stairs. LOVE ME!!!

And now, these are the tales... of awkward lesbians.

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