Monday, October 25, 2010

Popped my blog cherry: Lazy Sundays

Posted by Paige

As I sat at my desk, bored out of my mind and sleepy after playing about five hours worth of Solitaire, I realized… I haven’t written even one post for the blog that I am supposedly a part of. So, with that, I decided that a week of procrastinating was enough and I should make my debut already… And so here I am, writing this in an effort to put off studying for my Religion (in Contemporary Culture) midterm that is tomorrow.

Originally I thought my first post could be about something relevant and interesting, but then I got scared about it being really shitty, so… this is the result.

Being in university and living in residence, there’s really not much to do on a Sunday except sleep in and spend the rest of the day nursing your hangover. I like to spend my time rocking out to Say Anything, Dragonette, and various musical soundtracks while spending large portions of my day playing Solitaire - but none of that is reserved just for Sundays. Occasionally I’ll watch people playing sports on the field outside my window, but that involves turning my head. In terms of actually taking care of various needs like food and showers… those are optional.

A typical Sunday.

Is anyone out there any less boring than myself in their free time?

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