Saturday, October 23, 2010

Poop goes in the potty

Posted by Shelly

So, I was IMing this girl, (IM-- so much easier than real social interaction! Do people say IM? MSN? Whatever, I'm hip.) and I was trying to be cool, so I sent her a link to this trendy band on YouTube. Except, with it was accidentally sent a list of my "favourites" on YouTube. This is the second time it's happened to me this week! She's also the second person to comment on how I have the "The Poopsmith Song" in my top favourites. I don't think she was charmed. Stupid... YouTube...

Whatever, I don't care. If you don't like The Poopsmith Song, what is wrong with you???

P.S. I blame Matae.

P. P. S. Here are some pictures of ceramic poops that I made and kept from my Gr. 10 art class. I had to sneak them into the kiln. So worth it...
Log poop...
...Swirly poop! Why don't girls like me?

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