Sunday, November 14, 2010


posted by Erin

There are three movies that they absolutely never fail to show on TV on any given weekend. Those movies are Big with Tom Hanks, Hook with Robin Williams and Legally Blonde with Reese Witherspoon. And while Big and Legally Blonde are fine enough movies, my heart belongs to Hook always.

It was basically the movie of my childhood. I am contractually obligated to terminate my friendships with anyone who hasn't seen Hook, however they are not able to give me the same treatment because I haven't seen The Dark Knight. 

Hook also contained the object of my seven year old affections, and I know I'm not alone in this sentiment.

I think we all saw this coming.  
At one point in my life, I can safely say I would go hetero for Rufio. SHUT UP YOU FELT THE SAME WAY. No one outside of Tuxedo Mask has been the object of more crushes of small girls.

Rufio was just goddamn awesome all around. He was Peter Pan if Peter Pan had manned up and decided he wanted to play bass for No Doubt. There was a part of me rooting for Rufio when he threatened an already bloated and sweaty Robin Williams with a sword. And then that smug bastard Captain Hook killed him! Oh yeah, spoiler alert I guess.

Rufio would surface later playing a gay guy in But I'm a Cheerleader which is also a required viewing for all you lesbians out there. But he was no longer the Rufio I remembered from my childhood. I guess you know, because he's an actor and he's supposed to be able to play different roles and characters.

What's the point of this post, you might be asking. Honestly it's to get Shelly's lame ass photos off the front page first thing.

Love yooou, Shelly.

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